Research & Resources


Paranormal Phenomena Research & Investigation (PPRI) aims to be a vanguard in the study of parapsychological phenomena. Research serves as our cornerstone for knowledge-building and public education. Our research endeavors to deepen the understanding of parapsychological practices and phenomena, thereby increasing public awareness. A crucial aspect of PPRI’s work is to dispel myths and share empirically backed information in a field often clouded by misconceptions. We actively participate in research studies, the findings of which are disseminated through our social media channels, website, and public speaking engagements.

PPRI is currently engaged in a phenomenological research project led by Darryll Walsh and Elliott Van Dusen. This initiative aims to document encounters with the supernatural and other mysterious phenomena. The project will include geographical and statistical analyses, trend extrapolation, and classification of phenomena. Additionally, the human experience surrounding these phenomena will be examined from psychosocial and cultural perspectives. All research conducted by PPRI will be published on our website and made available to Federal and Provincial Archives, as well as academic platforms like Academia and ResearchGate, ensuring public accessibility. In the near future, we intend to initiate a research project in the field of parapsychology, subject it to rigorous peer review, and subsequently submit it for publication in a reputable scientific journals.


Extrasensory Perception Studies

  • Sheldrake, R., Lawlor, C., & Turney, J. (1998). Perceptive pets: A survey in London. Rivista di Biologia, 91, 57-74. [Telepathy observed in animals. Animal responses not based on conditioning of routine times/vehicles].
  • Sheldrake, R., & Avraamids, L. (2009). Sensing the sending of SMS messages: An automated test.  Explore: The Journal of Science and Healing, 5, 272-276. [Statistically significant telepathy results using SMS communication. Re-tested under filmed conditions resulted in statistical significance].
  • Sheldrake, R., & Beharee, A. (2009). A rapid online telepathy test. Psychological Reports, 104, 957-970. [Participants were able to guess who sent them a message with statistical significant results. Guessing bias was found. Decline effect found. One subject repeated scored above chance].
  • Sheldrake, R., & Lambert, M. (2007). An automated online telepathy test. Journal of Scientific Exploration, 21(3), 511-522. [Participants were able to guess who sent them a message with statistical significant results. Cheating not completely ruled out. Hit rates were suggestive only. Other forms of ESP couldn’t be ruled out].
  • Sheldrake, R., & Smart, P. (2005). Testing for telepathy in connection with emails. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 101, 771-786. [Participants were able to guess who sent them an email message with statistical significant results. When tested under filmed conditions, statistical significant results were once again obtained].
  • Sheldrake, R., & Smart, P. (2004). Videotaped experiments on telephone telepathy. Journal of Parapsychology, 67, 187-206. [Statistical significant results from participants guessing who is calling them (familiar with caller) while being video taped. Results were not significant when the caller was unknown to the participant. Confidence effects successfulness].
  • Sheldrake, R., & Smart, P. (2003). Experimental tests for telephone telepathyJournal of the Society of Psychic Research, 67, 184-199. [Statistical significant results when calls made randomly and at fixed times. Decline in success when participant was unfamiliar with caller. Emotional closeness is seemingly important].
  • Sheldrake, R. (2002). Apparent telepathy between babies and nursing mothers: A survey. Journal of the Society of Psychic Research, 66, 180-184. [Mothers claim milk let down (ready to flow) is a telepathic sign that their baby needs them. 62% experienced milk let down while away from baby, 16% seemed to coincide with baby needing them. 3 women felt something was wrong with baby when they were away from home and later found out they had been in some sort of accident. 5 women woke up shortly before their baby needed them during the night].
  • Sheldrake, R. (2000). Telepathic telephone calls: Two surveys. Journal of the Society of Psychic Research, 64, 224-232. [Telepathic telephone calls may be one of the most commonly experienced psychic phenomena].


Mind-Matter Interaction Studies

  • Brucker, M. (2001). 2001: an energy odyssey. The Fürigen Papers. Institute for the Applicationof the Social Sciences. Maienfeld: Switzerland. [Mind-Matter Interaction causes molecular vibrations and heat resulting in structural loss in metal].


Survival of Consciousness Studies

  • Kerr, Christopher W.; Donnelly, James P.; Wright, Scott T.; Kuszczak, Sarah M.; Banas, Anne; Grant, Pei C.; Luczkiewicz, Debra L. (2014). End-of-Life Dreams and Visions: A Longitudinal Study of Hospice Patients’ Experiences. Journal of Palliative Medicine, 17(3), 296–303.doi:10.1089/jpm.2013.0371 [End-of-life dreams and visions (ELDVs) are commonly experienced during the dying process, characterized by a consistent sense of realism and marked emotional significance. ELDVs may be a profound source of potential meaning and comfort for the dying].
  • Williams, B., Ventola, A., & Wilson, M. (2008). Temperature in haunting experiences: A basic primer for paranormal enthusiasts. Retrieved from [Parapsychological studies suggest temperature changes may play a part in some, but probably not all, haunting experiences. Some temperature changes may be subjective while others may have a physical basis measurable using thermometers and thermal sensors. Geomagnetic activity may cause temperature changes via the Peltier effect].
  • Wiseman, R., Watt, C., Stevens, P., Greening, E., & O’Keeffee C. O. (2003). An investigation into alleged ‘hauntings’. British Journal of Psychology, 94(2), 191-211. doi:10.1348/000712603321661886 [Prior knowledge of location being haunted does not correlate to reports of unusual experiences. Unusual experiences correlate significantly with environmental factors such as magnetic fields and lighting levels.].
  • Wilmer, W.H. (1921). Effects of Carbon Monoxide Upon the Eye. American Journal of Ophthalmology, 4(2), 73-90. doi:10.1016/s0002-9394(21)90825-0 [Carbon Monoxide poisoning can cause haunting characteristics to manifest].


Last updated: Tuesday, November, 7 2023


The following is a list of reputable parapsychological research aids and resources created, regularly maintained, and published as part of Paranormal Phenomena Research & Investigation’s commitment to the advancement of public education in parapsychology.

Parapsychological Bibliography

  • Broughton, R. S. (1991). Parapsychology: The Controversial Science. Ballantine Books, Publishers.
  • Irwin, H. J., & Watt, C. A. (2007). An introduction to parapsychology. (5th ed.). Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Company Inc., Publishers.

Parapsychological Education

Parapsychological Journals

Parapsychological Research Organizations, Societies, and Associations

Parapsychological Support Organizations

Research Aids

Last updated: Thursday, June 20, 2024